If you're seeing this, it means there's a seat with your name on it.

Sign up now before you lose out on this opportunity.


Sign up now to get James Ko personally coaching you through the entire process for 21 days online.

Normally he charges $1,500 but you wont' have to pay that. Nor will you have to pay the $300/hr he normally charges.

If you sign up now, you get Ko taking you through the entire program in 21 days for just...

3 payments of $49

Price includes all lessons and materials for free.

If you miss a Q&A Session, just submit a request to us for the recording.

Backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee*

You must stay accountable to what you are saying you want to do and give it a fair try by doing the exercises, eating the foods, and doing the biohacks. If you do that and you don't get results, we will work with you until you do.  But if you are not happy, I don't want you to pay one dime.  But we must protect our proprietary information so you must sign  a "Non-Utilization Agreement" before any refund is issued.

What people are saying...


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How long are the workouts?

As short as 7 minutes up to 21-minutes. They're super short because we're gonna workout smarter, not longer.

Do you show us what to eat?

Yes. The workouts alone will get you results but when combined with the 5-Foods to add to your daily routine, you get results fast. And we want this to become a lifestyle for you. The eating method is important to make that happen.

Is this program online?

Yes. It's all online. It's delivered through email, videos, and other digital formats.

Am I too out of shape to do this program?

If you can get up and down out of a chair, you can do the workouts.  There are modified movements sitting in a chair, or using counter/furniture support.  If you have multiple medical conditions, you need to consult with your healthcare provider before doing this program.

I already workout regularly, will this program be too easy for me?

It will not be too easy for you.  We have professional athletes who do the advanced workouts, and they find them more challenging than there routines. There are advanced level workouts.

I have back problems, can I do this?

Yes. We have a special module for those with back problems. If you recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your surgeon prior to doing this program.

I have knee problems, can I do this?

Yes. We have a special modifications for those with knee problems. If you recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your surgeon prior to doing this program.

I'm very obese, can I still do this?

Yes. If you can get up and down out of a chair, you can do this program. We have a special modifications for those morbidly obese. If you recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your doctor prior to doing this program.

Am I too old to do these workouts?

If you can get up and down out of a chair, you can do this program. If you have multiple medical conditions, recently had surgery, or will soon have surgery, consult with your doctor prior to doing this program.

I don't have a lot of fat, will this be beneficial for me?

Yes. This program is about health and optimizing internal systems. Fat is merely a symptom of something else. If you are having gut, arthritis, skin, headaches or other issues, you will benefit from this program.

I like running/yoga/etc. can I do these workouts, too?

Yes. It's a good adjunct to other exercises/workouts. They're short. This program is about health and optimizing internal systems.  If you are having gut, arthritis, skin, headaches or other issues, you will benefit from this program.

What ages are good for this?

It's good for adults of all ages but also kids. 69% of kids are overfat in the US. Kids over the age of 6 can do this program.

Is this good for women?

Yes. It's designed for women having hormone, thyroid, and other internal system issues. There are workouts specifically for women and men.

Is this good for men?

Yes. It's designed for men with belly, visceral fat (fat surrounding organs), testosterone, thyroid and other internal system issues. There are workouts specifically for men and women separately.

Is this good for kids?

Yes. Kids with excess fat, and other internal system issues, will benefit greatly. There are workouts specifically for kids.

I have high blood pressure, can I do these workouts?

Yes. It's designed to optimize internal systems (hormones, thyroid, cardiovascular, metabolism, etc.) for the very purpose of improving blood pressure, heart, lung, liver and other issues. There are workouts specifically for blood pressure issues.

DISCLAIMER:  We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent this program and it’s potential to help you. However, we do not guarantee you will get immediate results, if any at all. To get results, you must put forth effort and stay consistent with the program. If you do nothing, you will get nothing in return. This is not a miracle cure or program and by law we cannot guarantee that you will achieve any results by signing up for the program. If you have any medical condition, please let us know before doing the movements/exercises. This information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Your level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors. Most specifically your efforts, discipline and commitment. But also your knowledge, ability, focus, goals, physical or medical condition. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee the exact success or results others have achieved. You alone are responsible for your actions and results. Our only guarantee is that you’ll be satisfied with the quality of the program. If you are not satisfied you can have a full refund.